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Old Apr 23, 2006, 07:44 PM // 19:44   #21
Furnace Stoker
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I would say just make your "home" and show case area be part of your loading/character selecting screen.

You can put your Dragon Skull Trophy there.
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Old Apr 23, 2006, 08:03 PM // 20:03   #22
Wilds Pathfinder
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ok, how the frell can your guild hall be your home as such.....
wheres the actual rooms needed to sleep?
in almsot all of the Halls, theres nowhere even CLOSE to an area thatyou and your guildies could call a barraks.

admitedly, GW chars dont need to eat, sleep or even take a bath *Sniff....sniff....ah, the stench of a True Warrior, that has not bathed since the Searing Ghaa!*

however, if Halls had options to add extras, i could undrestand people saying use them as homes....
I do like ActionJacks idea of your house being the loading screen, i mean, my charactes look like they have the 'JesusBug' from the sims (thats where you had pets that would walk on water to their owners when they was funy to see a cat sitting washing itself in the middle of the swimmingpool lol)

since everyone likes their halls, and PvP chars can also enter them, i think it is more fair to alow the halls themselves to be upgradeable....i mean, it can incourage RP in PvP chars to go to a hall that has been upgraded a few times...

like, for example....guild has an *buildings Fund* stash that all memeberrs can add to...some can pay gold, others add materials and you can pay the Xunlai to build stuff onto the use stone and wood to make a barracks (benefit is the *personal* character storeage locker...5 or 10 slots per character, not per account that you can use to keep your best set of showing off armour in, after all, in a hall, you can show your wepons)
or add a small temple room....(benefit is, one, you know when your side has favour cause the minature statues do the same as the large ones...two, you can prey/donate to each statue and get small benefits, or even a quest or two)

and best of all, you could add interactive places like the training rings, the bar (who needs to port to droks for dwarven ale when you can just go to your Hall and get ratted in safety )

more RP style guilds would decorate their halls with banners and other items, fix up the mini-temple with nice alter threads and generally, be more than just a gang of peeps with the same guildmane and a cape that matches
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Old Apr 23, 2006, 09:01 PM // 21:01   #23
Desert Nomad
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Sure...Why not?
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 01:26 AM // 01:26   #24
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Originally Posted by Rayea

halls themselves to be upgradeable....i mean, it can incourage RP in PvP chars to go to a hall that has been upgraded a few times...

like, for example....guild has an *buildings Fund* stash that all memeberrs can add to...some can pay gold, others add materials and you can pay the Xunlai to build stuff onto the use stone and wood to make a barracks (benefit is the *personal* character storeage locker...5 or 10 slots per character, not per account that you can use to keep your best set of showing off armour in, after all, in a hall, you can show your wepons)
or add a small temple room....

(benefit is, one, you know when your side has favour cause the minature statues do the same as the large ones...two, you can prey/donate to each statue and get small benefits, or even a quest or two)

and best of all, you could add interactive places like the training rings, the bar (who needs to port to droks for dwarven ale when you can just go to your Hall and get ratted in safety )

more RP style guilds would decorate their halls with banners and other items, fix up the mini-temple with nice alter threads and generally, be more than just a gang of peeps with the same guildmane and a cape that matches
I agree with most of what you/this says
the only thing that I didnt really care for is this
Originally Posted by Rayea
character storeage locker...5 or 10 slots per character, not per account
Dont get me wrong that is a great idea but why only 5 or 10 lol thats my thing on it and also the per character and not account that makes no sence to me should be same as storage or same as a backpack for all chars in your account not just for ony one unless im reading this wrong if so I'm truly sry but on every thing ells great idea kinnda wish I thought of it

But homes I like that idea alot to....
Just think about it .. extra storage a showcase of what ever you want to show to other ppl hell can even up grade it to have all the little things thats posted about ( what Rayea said )

But on this new chapter I would like it if they had a homes only dist where ppl can stand around talking selling trading and even picking out witch house you want (witch one is cheaper...witch one will have more room for things... witch one will help me out the most and be around the gold I'm willing to pay for at this moment in time or need to go get and save) and it would also be great if you can by a new house if and when you get the cash to affored to buy one of the better ones but i guess that would kind of kill the upgrade your housepart lol

O and on the upgrade your bags with runes thingy (not sure if it was on this thread or not pretty sure some one has said it in this one to if not guess i'll be the first on this thread)

that is also a great idea up grade you belt to hold 10 instead of 5 and your bags to 15/20 instead of 10 just think when your out farming thats 10 to 15 extra things you can cary thats up to almost 1k depending on the location your farming in and aslo the drops but I always nit pick though every thing I Ident evry thing and sort them out 70g + on the last bag on up till I get to the carppy ones 40g-60g I keep them untill I get another drop then just drop the lowest one and pick up the new one and see how much that one is worth if its more than the one I droped I keep it and so on...
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